Saturday, December 13, 2008

a different kind of pain

So here I sit on day three of the "wisdom tooth lockdown".

Today's highlight so far: I did not get nauseous from taking vicodin since I created nilla wafer soup.

The right side of my face looks as though I stufffed 15 socks in my cheek. I constantly ache, and am dying for an actual bite of food.

I suppose there is always the silver lining. I am losing weight. My teeth will not shift any more. And that's about all I can come up with right about now. Oh, and my husband is being a complete sweetheart and taking care of me.

Well, time for more medication - and nap - and watch horrible tv.

Why is it that as soon as you have time to watch all the tv in the world, there is absolutely NOTHING on!!!!!! There should really be someone in charge of programming for all us sickly couch bound people.