Wednesday, November 26, 2008

During this holiday season, I always sit back and reflect upon how much I have to give thanks for, and look forward to the opportunities that I will have in the coming year.

This year I have reached what I consider a bit of a milestone in my life. I can truely give thanks for the things that I have been blessed with in my life, and recognize that they have been given to me by the grace of God.

I give thanks for my wonderful, gracious husband. For allowing me to be who I am, day in/day out, through every smile and every tear. For recognizing my full potential and encouraging me to live up to it.

I give thanks to my little brother, that I am so proud of him for staying true to himself through one of the hardest times he will ever have to endure. For choosing what will make him happy in the long run. For knowing that my love for him runs deep and for falling back on his instinct that I will always be here for him, through thick or thin, and that above all else, the love and support of family will pull you through.

I give thanks to all my friends, old and new, and truely appreciate their unrelenting patience with me as I go through good times and bad, through months without a phone call from me. For sticking it out with me while I realize that all along, what I was looking for was right at the other end of the line waiting to comfort me and validate my self worth.

I give thanks to the people that I interact with day to day, that have no idea that they lift me up. That there are still people in this world that believe in kindness and truth. Your thoughtful words of encouragement and praise give me a confidence unknown to me until recent. For being your honest self, you have kept alive my faith that there is good in the world.

I give thanks for the opportunity God has bestowed upon myself and my husband in this extremely tough economical time. That we have both been blessed with our jobs, a wonderful home, love in our hearts, and enough money and food to sustain us. I am thankful that God has graced us with the hearts to realize that we are part of the fortunate, that life is extremely hard for so many families out there, and I pray every day and night that they will experience atleast a moment of relief these holidays.

I challenge each of you to reach deep within your souls, and recognize everything you can give thanks for, and reach out to those who need you.

Smile at the stranger on the street. This simple act of kindness can change someone's life.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Beginnings

Here goes nothing! My first attempt at sharing my life with the world and getting back in touch with my love for writing.

My life lately has consisted of a whirlwind of realizations. I am growing up. I am deeply in love. I have so much to show the world. I am an incredible wife. I will be an amazing mother someday. All of this surrounding me and granting me the ability to have an enormous smile plastered on my face all day has left me wondering, why have I never let this out before? Why did I view others ideas/passions/abilities as far superior to mine?

I have thrown caution to the wind. I AM inpirational. I AM creative. I AM intelligent. I WILL change the world.

And letting go feels amazing.