Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wow, so I have let more than an entire year pass since my last post. I hate to admit it, but I have let my confidence, my passion, and most of my opinion fall to the side again. I have let my worries and other people's convictions rule my life, and I have to say it has brought me nothing but stress, heartache, and what I am considering a form of mild depression.


I'm not going to let it beat me. I'm ready to own my life. I'm ready to bring another life into this world. I have so much to offer and give.

Here are my goals for the year, in no particular order:
*Become a mother
*Run a marathon
*Learn to sew
*Enjoy my husband and the awesome life we share
*Truely love getting up in the morning, because I am living each day with passion and conviction

Here's to regularly writing, loving, living, and enjoying what is out there to offer....
